Cambridge Energy Solutions + PowerGEM
Simulation Software for Grid Reliability & Market Efficiency
TRANZER is used to view, edit, and create Power Flow Data (PFD) stored in a backend Access database that represents an electric transmission system together with the additional network elements required for various physical and economic analyses. This additional data includes specifications for generation units and aggregate buses (zones and hubs) as well as phase angle regulators (PARs), AC and DC transmission lines, interfaces, and contingency constraints for analyzing the impact of the loss of system elements. TRANZER can also be used to analyze the transmission system, specifically calculating shift factors, loss factors, and power flows from a DC or AC perspective.
Transmission system data can be imported from all versions of PSS/E data files (.raw files) or created from scratch. Generation units, aggregate buses, PAR constraints, line constraints, interface constraints, and contingency constraints can be imported from CSV files or created interactively within the application by selecting elements of the transmission system. The application provides table based reports for all transmission system data as well system constraints, interface, and load or pricing aggregate definitions. A search facility is provided for filtering large data tables, and reports can be copied to MS Excel spreadsheets using normal clipboard operations. The application is also capable of generating a graphical network diagram view of the neighborhood of the transmission system around a selected bus or generating unit, and building a one-line diagram to visualize power flows in a local area. These diagrams are fully interactive, allowing the user to navigate to transmission system data by selecting entities shown on the diagram. Finally, it has a direct interface with DAYZER that allow users to analyze the hourly output of DAYZER simulations in in full detail with results for every bus and line in the system.