Online NAPD
North America Electric Power Transmission and Generation Database (NAPD) is a database for each NERC region. This database is continuously updated and available on line. Users have ability to query the database for specific information (with many predefined queries/reports). This database is available for licensing on an annual subscription basis for any region or pool.
- LOAD: Historical and forecasted electricity load data for all service areas/zones of the United States and Canada, hourly shape.
- OPERATING RESERVES: Historical and forecasted operating reserves (spinning, AGC and quick start) based on the specific requirements instituted by each ISO in the region.
- FUEL: Historical and forecasted fuel prices for specific generating units based on energy price forecasts from major forecasting institutions (Natural Gas, Coal and Oil).
- GENERATING UNITS: Physical, geographical, environmental, administrative, regulatory and economic data for all existing generating units in the U.S. and Canada as well as for all generating units under development and proposed for development (plus graphs on generation mix).
- Thermal Unit Characteristics
- Unit type (steam, combined-cycle, combustion turbine, cogeneration, etc.)
- Heat rate values and curve
- Summer and Winter Capacity
- Variable Operation and Maintenance costs
- Fixed Operation and Maintenance costs
- Forced and planned outage rates
- Minimum up and down times
- Quick start and spinning reserves capabilities
- Startup costs
- Emission rates
- Operating reserves contribution
- Hydro Unit Characteristics
- Unit type (baseload, intermediate, peaker)
- Summer and Winter Capacity
- Variable Operation and Maintenance costs
- Operating reserves contribution
- Monthly capacity factors
- Pump Storage Unit Characteristics
- Summer and Winter Capacity
- Variable Operation and Maintenance costs
- Efficiency
- Other (wind, solar, refuse, etc..)
- TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS: Physical, geographical, and economic data for all existing transmission lines in the U.S. and Canada; constraints, contingencies and significant interfaces within and across all regions of the Eastern Interconnect, Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) and Electric Reliability Council Of Texas (ERCOT). Including transformers, lines, phase shifters and buses. Most data are provided in the form of a solved load flow case (PTI file).
- TRANSMISSION LINE OUTAGES: A list of transmission line outages as scheduled by ISOs.
- GENERATION UNIT OUTAGES: A limited set of generation unit outages is provided from public sources.
- HISTORICAL PRICES: Day ahead and real-time hourly locational market clearing prices for the Northeast markets, and their congestion and loss components.
- HISTORICAL FLOWS: Scheduled hourly imports and exports from neighboring markets (inter-regional power flows).
- ENVIORNMENTAL COSTS: Emission Permit Prices (NOx and SOx, CO2, Hg)
- PLANNED ADDITIONS: Proposed & planned additions and retirements of both generation and transmission system components by technology type, location, size, etc..
- SUPPLY CURVE: Electricity supply curve based on estimated marginal cost of production, forecasted fuel prices and generation units adjusted availability.
- CAPACITY BALANCE: Capacity balance report by market and submarket for markets with Locational Installed Capacity markets.
- TRANSIMISSION RIGHTS: Reports on market clearing prices of transmission rights in the auctions administered by the ISOs, and in their value in the Day-Ahead Market.