Company Profile

Key Staffs

Assef Zobian
Assef Zobian

Founder and President

Asser Zobian
Asser Zobian

Vice President

Kaan Egilmez
Kaan Egilmez

Project Manager

Xiaoyi Wu
Xiaoyi Wu

Senior Software Engineer

Ayoub Zobian
Ayoub Zobian

Senior Energy Analyst

Sean Meany
Sean Meany

Director of Market Analysis

Thomas Conner
Thomas Conner

Director of Transmission Modeling

Ashutosh Timilsina
Ashutosh Timilsina

Energy Analyst

Jason Chen
Jason Chen

Energy Analyst

Thomas Conner

Mr. Conner is a Transmission Engineer at Cambridge Energy Solutions LLC, a software company with a mission to develop software for the deregulated electric power industry. With a background in power transmission from Real-time operations to transmission planning to ISO-market generation siting and asset optimization, Mr. Conner brings 12 years of experience and technical expertise in addressing a wide-range of transmission-related challenges from both the regulated-industry space as well as RTO markets. Under Thomas’s technical leadership, over $200M of transmission projects were approved by the Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida public service commissions, over $300M of renewable generation was sited for development or acquired across the RTO markets of ERCOT, SPP, MISO, and CAISO, and over $30M/year of market asset optimization was realized through leveraging day-ahead and monthly congestion (FTR) products. While at Southern Company, Thomas became an industry leader in the design, application, and implementation of complex transmission modeling across planning, operational, and protection models, providing technical leadership and keynote presentations for NERC, NATF, SERC, RF, and NERC SAMS organizations and committees. His expertise in the areas of node-breaker modeling, transmission system modeling architecture, and database design was relied on by both the leading industry vendors and industry policy committees for implementation direction and strategy. Additionally, he became a technical leader across multiple industry tools in implementing nodal transmission production cost modeling for both the regulated planning activities of Southern Company Services as well as market site evaluation and asset optimization activities of Southern Power. Now at CES, Thomas continues to build on his knowledge and expertise in the modeling and analysis of RTO markets while leading efforts in the highly-competitive CAISO and ERCOT regions.

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